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The development of our new building

Three-year construction time.
€90 million investment.

The Erbe 4.i construction project



Commencement of planning

The Erbe 4.i project began in tandem with io, the Heidelberg consulting and planning company.


July 2021

Start of construction

Following granting of planning permission and clearance of the construction site, construction work began.


Would you like to know more about the biggest investment in the company’s history?

Christian O. Erbe

CEO Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH

360° Tour

Here you get a look at the most important areas of the new-build.



Space for 200 guests

Room for events

Clean room

2,400 m² 

Class ISO 8


5,500 m² 

3,600 Euro pallets


Up to 23,000 containers 

400 positions per hour and port

Environmental Protection

Our contribution to environmental protection

Sustainability begins by protecting our planet and conserving its resources. We are able to use energy passively thanks to the intelligent architecture of our building. Regenerative energy technology helps us to actively use the energy that nature makes available to us.

Passive energy use through intelligent architecture

Jeremy Hotchkiss
Design Lead, io 

Holz 1

Wood – a very special building material

We consciously chose wood for the construction of the building shell, roof structure and interior fittings. There are many good reasons for this. Both we and our environment benefit from the results.

Beams instead of steel girders

Using wood meant we were able to significantly reduce our CO₂ carbon footprint during production of the building material. Reinforced concrete is extremely energy intensive to produce. By doing without it as far as possible, we were able to save almost 600 tons of CO₂.

Baum Textur

A light weight

Wood is much lighter than reinforced concrete. Therefore, the foundations of our building are smaller and use less material than reinforced concrete constructions of a comparable size.


A renewable resource

Wood is a continuously renewable resource. As German forests alone have an annual wood growth of 120 million m³, the amount of wood we use grows back in ten minutes.

An enormous carbon store

Forests remove a lot of climate-damaging CO₂ from the atmosphere. Two thousand tons of CO₂ are absorbed just by the wood we use.

Reduced thermal energy requirement

Wood also has a lot to offer in terms of energy. It has natural insulating properties. For us, this means we need less energy for heating and cooling.


9,500 m²

Wood was used for the timber frame wall

1,100 m³

In general, glued laminated timber was used.

5,500 m²

Wood is used in the

120,000 €

Savings in annual operating costs


Light – positive for people and the environment

Daylight was a consideration when we were planning our building. Natural light has an impact on staff well-being and reduces the use of artificial light sources.

South-facing aspect

The position of our building ensures maximum use of daylight even in the winter months. Thus, we can reduce artificial light sources and operational costs.


Natural light – a benefit

We enjoy natural light, particularly the light shining in through the large glass window in the atrium. This ensures a pleasant indoor climate. Light is good for mind and body and has a strong impact on our well-being and productivity.


Actively using energy through regenerative energy technology

Markus Seidel

Project Architect, io 


We rely on the power of the sun

Our high-performance photovoltaic system is one of the largest in the region.

We produce one-third of our energy requirement with it.

solar modules


electricity per year

MW capacity


reduced CO₂ per year


Biogas as an energy source

Whatever our photovoltaic system cannot provide is covered by our combined heat and power unit. It runs on CO₂ neutral biogas.


KfW 40 Plus – highest efficiency

Thanks to our active and passive energy use, our new-build is one of the first industrial buildings in Germany to comply with the stringent requirements of 40 Plus, the KfW efficiency construction standard and thus uses 60% less primary energy than comparable properties. Our building thus fulfills the highest requirements in terms of energy efficiency.

Social Responsibility

Our social responsibility

Our employees are the most important asset in our company. Therefore, providing an optimum working environment was a key issue for us. Included in this are numerous benefits ranging from good food through to the funding of sporting activities.


Our healthcare policy

Movement, balance and rest are at the heart of our healthcare policy.


Health Management

“When we planned our new building, we paid particular attention to the health of our employees. They enjoy a smart healthcare management regime that is available to them in their everyday working life. We offer numerous options to ensure that there is a balance between mind and body.”

Prof. Dr. Markus D. Enderle
Chief Scientific and Medical Officer

Funding for the gym

Anyone who likes to go to the gym to keep fit can benefit from very reasonable packages. Erbe employees pay significantly lower membership fees in many studios in the region.


Modern workplaces

We have introduced solutions that ensure our employees feel completely at ease at work.

Flight mode on and eyes closed

Quiet areas for brief relaxation stints in between help to reduce stress and recharge the batteries. A power nap in the break can stimulate creativity and promote innovative ideas.

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As an international company, we stand by our responsibilities, our objectives, and our values.

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Germany location

“Rangendingen is now our location for instruments. Here we develop and produce for markets in the whole world. The fact that we are positioning ourselves so strongly here to develop, build and ship our products across the world shows our commitment to Germany as a location.”

Marcus Felstead,

Chief Commercial Officer


“We are committed to fair and free competition. This includes the prevention of fraud, corruption, money laundering and other legal violations as well as the promotion of integrity, transparency, and accountability in business conduct. We expect this from our employees and partners across the world.”

Daniel Zimmermann,
Chief Financial and Compliance Officer

Risk Mitigation

“Our company group is expanding nationally and internationally in order to build a strong defense against potential threats and risks that might endanger our business continuity. With our international network of subsidiaries, we are well prepared to respond to the consequence of wars or supply shortages.”

Dr. Helmut Scherer,

Chief Technology Officer

Pakete auf Regalen

International Supply Chain Management

Fair working conditions are important for us. We place great value on an environmentally friendly, ethically responsible, and economically profitable supply chain that serves the needs of the present generation without endangering the quality of life of our children.


Large network of subsidiaries

Erbe has 18 sales and service locations, together with four supply and production plants all over the world and is active in more than 110 countries. This enables us to strengthen our brand internationally and expand our market position.


Quality and sustainability are equal

These are both necessary for us for a successful, future-proof enterprise. We are already setting the course to maintain our market leadership in the future. Tomorrow’s customers will place even greater value on sustainability than we already do today.

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